Package ru.curs.celesta.dbutils.term
Terms that constitute cursor's WHERE condition.
Interface Summary Interface Description WhereMakerParamsProvider The interface that provides needed information for building filter/navigation queries. -
Class Summary Class Description AlwaysFalse FALSE constant.AlwaysTrue TRUE constant.AndTerm Conjunction of two where clauses.CsqlWhereTermsMaker FieldCompTerm Comparision of a field with a value.FieldsCortegeTerm FromTerm InTerm Created by ioann on 01.06.2017.IsNull Comparision of a field with null.NotTerm Negation of where clause.OrTerm Disjunction of two where clauses.RangeTerm 'Setrange' filter term with 'from.. to' values.SingleValueTerm 'Setrange' filter term with a single value.ValuesCortegeTerm WhereTerm A term of filter/navigation where clause.WhereTermCompareTerm WhereTermsMaker Produces navigation queries.