void |
BinaryLogicalOp.accept(ExprVisitor visitor) |
void |
BinaryTermOp.accept(ExprVisitor visitor) |
void |
FieldRef.accept(ExprVisitor visitor) |
void |
Relop.accept(ExprVisitor visitor) |
FKRule |
CelestaParser.action() |
void |
BasicTable.addColumn(Column<?> column) |
Adds a column to the table.
void |
MaterializedView.addColumn(Column<?> column) |
void |
TableElement.addColumn(Column<?> column) |
Adds a column to the table.
void |
NamedElementHolder.addElement(T element) |
Adds a named element.
void |
Grain.addIndex(Index index) |
Adds an index.
void |
ParameterizedView.addParameter(Parameter parameter) |
Adds a parameter to the view.
Expr |
CelestaParser.aggregateFunc(AbstractSelectStmt v) |
void |
CelestaParser.alterTable(GrainPart g) |
T |
AbstractScore.ScoreBuilder.build() |
Builds the score.
void |
CelestaParser.columnDefinition(ru.curs.celesta.score.TableBuilder table) |
String |
CelestaParser.constraint(Grain g) |
void |
CelestaParser.createFunction(GrainPart g,
String doc) |
void |
CelestaParser.createIndex(GrainPart g,
String doc) |
void |
CelestaParser.createMaterializedView(GrainPart g,
String doc) |
void |
CelestaParser.createSequence(GrainPart g,
String doc) |
void |
CelestaParser.createTable(GrainPart g,
String doc) |
void |
CelestaParser.createView(GrainPart g,
String doc) |
void |
Column.delete() |
Deletes the column.
void |
DataGrainElement.delete() |
Deletes element.
void |
ForeignKey.delete() |
Deletes the foreign key.
void |
Index.delete() |
Deletes the index.
void |
CelestaParser.executeNativeSql(GrainPart g) |
GrainPart |
CelestaParser.extractGrainInfo(AbstractScore s,
Resource r) |
FieldRef |
CelestaParser.fieldReference(IdentifierParser identifierParser) |
void |
Grain.finalizeParsing() |
Indicates that the grain parsing is completed.
void |
BasicTable.finalizePK() |
Finalizes the creation of the primary key.
ru.curs.celesta.score.TableBuilder.ForeignKeyBuilder |
CelestaParser.foreignKey(ru.curs.celesta.score.TableBuilder table) |
void |
CelestaParser.fromClause(AbstractSelectStmt v) |
void |
CelestaParser.functionParam(ParameterizedView view) |
Column<?> |
BasicTable.getColumn(String colName) |
Column<?> |
MaterializedView.getColumn(String colName) |
Column<?> |
TableElement.getColumn(String colName) |
Returns a column by its name or throws an exception with a message that
the column is not found.
<T extends GrainElement> T |
Grain.getElement(String name,
Class<T> classOfElement) |
Returns an element by its name and class or throws an exception with the message
that element is not found.
Grain |
AbstractScore.getGrain(String name) |
Returns grain by its name.
MaterializedView |
Grain.getMaterializedView(String name) |
Returns a materialized view by its name or an exception with a message
that the view was not found.
ParameterizedView |
Grain.getParameterizedView(String name) |
Returns a parameterized view by its name or an exception with a message
that the view was not found.
BasicTable |
Grain.getTable(String name) |
Returns a table by its name or an exception with a message that the table was not found.
<T extends BasicTable> T |
Grain.getTable(String name,
Class<T> tableClass) |
Returns a table by its name and a table class.
View |
Grain.getView(String name) |
Returns a view by its name or an exception with a message that the view was not found.
void |
CelestaParser.groupBy(AbstractSelectStmt view) |
TableRef |
CelestaParser.join(AbstractSelectStmt v) |
Expr |
CelestaParser.materializedAggregateFunc(AbstractSelectStmt v) |
void |
CelestaParser.materializedFromClause(AbstractSelectStmt v) |
void |
CelestaParser.materializedSelect(AbstractSelectStmt v) |
void |
CelestaParser.materializedSelectItem(AbstractSelectStmt v) |
boolean |
CelestaParser.nullable() |
Grain |
CelestaParser.parseGrainPart(GrainPart grainPart) |
static Date |
DateTimeColumn.parseISODate(String lexvalue) |
Parses the date in YYYYMMDD format and translates it to Java object.
static Boolean |
BooleanColumn.parseSQLBool(String lexvalue) |
Parses a string in SQL definition DEFAULT to a boolean value.
void |
CelestaParser.primaryKey(ru.curs.celesta.score.TableBuilder table) |
void |
CelestaParser.references(ru.curs.celesta.score.TableBuilder.ForeignKeyBuilder fk) |
int |
CelestaParser.relop() |
void |
BasicTable.removeColumn(Column<?> column) |
void |
MaterializedView.removeColumn(Column<?> column) |
void |
TableElement.removeColumn(Column<?> column) |
Removes a column from the table.
void |
Expr.resolveFieldRefs(GrainElement ge) |
Resolves references to the fields of tables using the context of current
object of the score.
void |
CelestaParser.select(AbstractSelectStmt v) |
void |
CelestaParser.selectItem(AbstractSelectStmt v) |
void |
CelestaParser.sequenceCycle(SequenceElement s) |
void |
CelestaParser.sequenceIncrementBy(SequenceElement s) |
void |
CelestaParser.sequenceMaxValue(SequenceElement s) |
void |
CelestaParser.sequenceMinValue(SequenceElement s) |
String |
CelestaParser.sequenceNextVal() |
void |
CelestaParser.sequenceStartWith(SequenceElement s) |
void |
IntegerColumn.setCelestaDoc(String celestaDoc) |
void |
NamedElement.setCelestaDoc(String celestaDoc) |
Sets value of document string.
void |
ForeignKey.setConstraintName(String constraintName) |
Sets name for FK constraint.
void |
ForeignKey.setDeleteRule(FKRule deleteBehaviour) |
Sets rule for deletion.
void |
StringColumn.setLength(String length) |
Sets length of the text field.
void |
Column.setNullableAndDefault(boolean nullable,
String defaultValue) |
Sets property Nullable and default value.
void |
BasicTable.setPK(String... columnNames) |
Sets primary key on the table in a form of array of columns.
void |
BasicTable.setPkConstraintName(String pkConstraintName) |
Sets the name of constraint for the primary key.
void |
ForeignKey.setUpdateRule(FKRule updateBehaviour) |
Sets rule for update.
void |
Grain.setVersion(String version) |
Sets the grain version.
void |
GrainPart.setVersion(String version) |
long |
CelestaParser.signedInteger() |
Expr |
CelestaParser.sqlAndExpression(IdentifierParser identifierParser) |
Expr |
CelestaParser.sqlExpression(IdentifierParser identifierParser) |
Expr |
CelestaParser.sqlMultiplicativeExpression(IdentifierParser identifierParser) |
Expr |
CelestaParser.sqlPrimaryExpression(IdentifierParser identifierParser) |
Expr |
CelestaParser.sqlRelationalExpression(IdentifierParser identifierParser) |
Expr |
CelestaParser.sqlTermExpr(IdentifierParser identifierParser) |
Expr |
CelestaParser.sqlUnaryExpression(IdentifierParser identifierParser) |
Expr |
CelestaParser.sqlUnaryLogicalExpression(IdentifierParser identifierParser) |
void |
CelestaParser.tableConstituent(ru.curs.celesta.score.TableBuilder table) |
TableRef |
CelestaParser.tableReference(AbstractSelectStmt v,
boolean lookupMViews) |
void |
CelestaParser.unionAll(View view) |
static String |
StringColumn.unquoteString(String lexvalue) |
Unquotes a string that is quoted.